Monday, August 15, 2011

As so it begins with an ode to Kresley Cole

Before I start with the reviews
But I decided to go back and read them all again. Where they that good you ask?
Some of them were, unfortunately book one is IMO the weakest.


I would like to clarify, that would be the weakest of the Immortals After Dark Series.

Which happens to completely kick the ass of every other series out there.

You will hear his many times in my reviews and just general blabberings..

Kresley Cole is a fecking genius. Seriously, it is ridiculous how madly skilled she is.

Not only has she created this alternate world where the coolest of the cool exist
Vampires (natch, because they are paranormal)
Werewolves, aka Lycans
and wait for it boils and goy's....Valkyrie

If there is one seriously untapped paranormal out there it is the Valkyrie. They are the coolest of the cool.

BUT, and here's the part that will bake your noodle, she weaves these stories together. So the stories play out in different books.
I will expound more on this later, but wrap your heads around that.

While Her Wicked Ways is Emmaline and Lachlans story.
Throughout the book other characters pop in and out. And then when they get their own book, you get the story behind why X was being so angsty about Z in book 1.

I dont know how she does it. But dammit it works. I wish I were that clever.

So I decided I'd re read these. If you have not read them, you are a goober. Seriously go pick up the first one now...I'll wait.

Got it? Well get ready for the ride of your life.

Oh and by the way. Pay attention to Nix. aka Nucking Futz Nix. aka The all knowing Nixie

Of all the books I've read (and man it's more than even YOU could imagine) Nix is the one character who I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see exist. There is no cooler chick, and no nuttier fruitcake.

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